
The Super73 Reverse Engineered project provides comprehensive service documentation for fat tire e-bikes manufactured by Super73. The initial focus will be on the R-series and S-series.

Super73 provides very minimal documentation; what exists is focused on use. Their limited warranty discourages modification or disassembly. Many parts are common but with proprietary connections, creating intentional incompatibilities.

This project aims to exercise the right to repair by providing guidance to any person with foundational bicycle knowledge willing to learn more and maintain their e-bike. The ability to repair and maintain extends the life and enjoyment of the e-bike, is economically and ecologically sound, and is incredibly satisfying.

The documentation will include specifications, instructions, photos, diagrams, explanations and theories, links to manufacturers, and findings from reverse-engineering efforts.

We'll do our best to keep it current and accurate. Use the Contact page if you would like to help with the documentation or if you have a question.


Null Confluence

Axel Fougues



Most of us can be found/reached on the

 Super73 Discord server